Cartoon Cactus

Cartoon Cactus also known as the Consolea Rubesecens or Sour Prickly Pear, this cactus is not prickly but actually has a soft exterior. Water very, very sparingly and place on a sunny sill. Makes a playful gift or a lovely plant to add to your collection. Enjoy watching arm-like fronds develop and watch as your cactus grows into it's own little personality! 

Watering – Water only when soil is completely dry and you see the surface of the cactus start to shivel slightly - less is more with a cactus - on average your watering once every 3-8 weeks depending how much light it is receiving.

Light – Bright direct or indirect light. Cactus's prefer 4 or more hours of bright sunlight each day - the more light you can provide it the healthier it will grow.

Measurements – 4" and 6" Pots available - 6" is pictured

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